Monday 2 April 2012

App Makers Need Not Be Geeks

The term geek evolved from something you didn’t want to be called in high school to a recognition of genius that it is now. It’s a high honor to be called a geek these days, that rare inventor who creates stuff like apps, gadgets and tools that improve the lives of the people around them. Sadly, there simply are way more users than geeks, so not everyone can build amazing things that can change the world.
Even if you aren’t a genius with code, there is one tool you can use to create apps. The great thing is that you can use this mobile app creating technology even if you don’t have any programming skills. In fact, it’s so easy to use that you can whip out a nice looking app in just a few minutes, all without spending a dollar or a dime.
You can create iphone app or apps for Android, iOS and HTML5 in just a few clicks. Using the intuitive drag and drop interface, you’ll be able to make an app for your business or community group, no sweat. Bundle in it the content feeds from your social networks, videos, photo sharing, community walls, real-time chat rooms, live event video streaming and more. And if you need a bit of help, the mobile app creator comes with video instructions and a written guide to help you every step of the way.
Everyone and their grandmother has an app and if you want your group to be part of the mobile revolution, it’s high time you get your own app as well. Go check out at and create your own mobile app in just 15 minutes.


  1. I really agree with your blog.Looks like a great App, easy to work with, affordable and with lots of features.Thanks!!
